Paul Cohn
(412) 480-1912
Paul Cohn is a partner and founder of Tail End Capital Partners. He is responsible for all aspects of investment management, including sourcing and executing new investments, monitoring existing portfolio company performance, and leading intermediary deal sourcing. Before founding Tail End, Paul was a Managing Director and a member of the Investment Committee of Fort Washington Capital Partners where he led all investments in GP-Led Secondaries. Paul was a Partner with Mellon Ventures, Mellon Bank’s private equity affiliate. Paul was a founding team member, and by the time he left, Mellon Ventures had $1.3 billion invested and committed to over 100 portfolio companies and over 70 funds. Paul started his career as an investment manager at Westinghouse Credit Corporation, acting as a lender in leveraged buyouts. Paul holds a B.S. and MBA from the Tepper School at Carnegie Mellon University.